Monday, March 27, 2006

Welcome to Hiroshima!

Welcome to "A City." What a beautiful view the Lord has given us! Here's a shot from our apartment balcony. We thought we would begin with a few pictures from around our home. Enjoy!

A veiw of the neighborhood across from our apartment. More and more Japanese people are getting away from traditional Japanese style homes and are building Western style homes.


Anonymous said...

so...if i understand this thing correctly, I get to be your first blog responder. cool! this is karyn's brother, paul, and i just wanted to say hello to mr. and mrs. sargent from colorado springs. it's cool to see some of the awesome things that have been happening in your life, misty. i just wanted to let you both know that i will be praying for you and the work to which God has led you in Japan. i think the blog is a great way to keep all of your supporters informed of the activities and prayer requests surrounding your lives.

Corey, Kelly, Alex, Blaize said...

So great to see! Love the updates. Our blog is


Corey, Kelly, & Alex Gilbert

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures from your part of the world. Keep up the good work and keep in touch. We are so proud of you guys.