Monday, March 19, 2007

There's NO doughnut like a "Krispy Kreme" Doughnut

Recently, the very first Krispy Kreme Doughnuts was opened in Tokyo. We were told by a coworker that about 2 months ago on opening day he waited in line for 3 HOURS. Yikes! So, when Matt and I visited Tokyo for work last week we couldn't resist the opportunity to buy our very FAVORITE doughnuts. Not only did we wait in line for 40 minutes, in the cold, but we also paid about $16.50 for a dozen doughnuts. I know, I know. We must be CRAZY! But trust me, it was worth every penny! While we waited in line we were given a free glazed doughnut to snack on. The bottom right picture is of some people enjoying the awesome yumminess of Krispy Kreme.


SouthAsiaRocks said...

DUDE! That's awesome! I'm definitely jealous! I could just taste it when I was looking at your pics! That's so cool!!

Haddon Elliot said...

I find myself more jealous than judgemental... We haven't had a fresh Krispy Kreme since we left Atlanta!

FitGirl said...

Mmm...doughnuts! I'm glad pastries could bring you joy and a sense of nostalgia! Hope all is well